Linear Finance Bi-weekly Update — 13/11/2020

Linear Finance Bi-weekly Update — 13/11/2020

Nov 13, 2020 · 2 min read · cat

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It’s November! Welcome to our first newsletter of the month. Topics being covered in the newsletter this week include the Linear Exchange testnet, the extension of the staking program, our 3Commas partnership, Blockfolio presence, Testnet Promotion Twitter Campaign and lastly, ‘Linear in numbers’.

We’ve decided to expand our testnet functionality

In light of the launch of our testnet, we’ve since expanded our testnet so that it includes our Linear.Exchange, which allows users to test the purchasing of our synthetic “Liquids” with LUSD. As a part of our decentralised application suite, users can gain exposure to our investment assets, and have the option to purchase the following liquid synthetic assets: Liquid Bitcoin (LBTC), Liquid Ethereum (LETH) and Liquid Huobi-10 (LHB10). The medium article here explains it in greater detail, also with providing instructions on how to use the platform.

Plans to extend the LINA Staking Program

Following the launch of our Linear Exchange on testnet, we’ve decided to keep our staking program going longer than initially planned. Taking the original end date, which was the 12th of November, and extending it by another 4 weeks, bringing us to the 12th of December. This means we can continue to reward our token holders further! To see the details on the conditions of the extension, take a look at the medium article we wrote on it!

New partnership with 3Commas

We’re getting others involved!

3Commas has entered a partnership with us in the form of a strategic investment, with future collaboration and integration in the plans. We feel that there is a lot to be gained from this partnership on both sides and look forward to carrying it out!

A new means of communication

Linear has joined Blockfolio Signal to keep a direct line with our most engaged users and expand our reach. We want to support our community by connecting and engaging with them, as well making it easier for them to manage their tokens, getting the most recent on prices, news and team updates. Take a look at LINA here!

Testnet promotion across all communities

On Saturday the 7th, we started a lottery across 5 of our communities — those in China, Korea, Russia, Turkey, Vietnam and the general Western community — in which people could enter their respective community pool by tweeting us about our testnet after having trailed it. Each community was allocated $200 worth of LINA tokens, and on Thursday, the last day of the promotion, 4 people in each pool were picked at random and won $50 in LINA respectively!

Linear Finance in Numbers (as of 13/11/2020):

That’s all for now, until next time.