Oct 6, 2021 · 3 min read · cat
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Dear Linear Community,
We are pleased to announce that we are one step closer to introducing the Linear DAO to the community. A key element of the Linear DAO will be the creation of the Linear Council (LC), which will consist of 7 community members to serve as the governing council overseeing the DAO and ensuring it runs smoothly in representing our community.
The Linear Council will act as a gatekeeper for the protocol and will have the ability to veto any propositions that might be detrimental to the Linear ecosystem. The LC will be paid a stipend by the Protocol DAO (pDAO) for their services to the Linear DAO.
A dedicated category will be created in the Linear DAO Forum for “Linear Council Candidate Nomination”. Each Linear Council epoch will be six months.
Please find below a list of recommended roles for the Linear Council members. Note that this is merely a suggestion and that the LC is welcome to set different positions and organize themselves accordingly providing they keep the Linear community up to date.
There will be a two-week period for community members to nominate any members by creating a new topic on the Linear DAO Forum.
Required Format
Two weeks before the end of each epoch (6-months), the Linear Council will host the re-election process and nominations will be opened to the community. By the end of the nomination period, the LC will gather the top new nominations from the forum and together with the existing 7 LC members to form the voting choices of the Linear Council proposition.
Hosted by the LC every month to provide an overview of DAO’s work and a transparent environment for community members to express opinions directly.
Hosted by LC for applicable propositions (determined by the LC) to discuss with the pDAO and the proposer on feasibility, priority, and resources allocation of the proposition.
We will continue to offer weekly updates on all matters related to the Linear Governance Model and its progress. Next week we will release a more detailed look into the Linear DAO Forum on Discourse.
Linear Finance Team
About Linear Finance
Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol that allows users to get synthetic exposure to various assets, including cryptocurrency, commodities, and market indices. Users can utilize our cross-chain swap functionality to instantly swap assets across leading blockchain environments and DeFi protocols with unlimited liquidity and zero slippage.
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